Tech TroubleShooters
Search Engine Optimisation
No Ad Spend Required
To Your Website From Google
Have you ever wondered how many customers your local competitors get through appearing high on Google Search Results? Tech TroubleShooters helps you balance the playing field, and ensure you don’t miss out. Customers are now more mobile than ever, with a comprehensive local database of information on the businesses around them, they are one Google search away from finding what they are looking for.
This is where Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) comes in. SEO is the art and science of optimising your website to encourage ranking visibly on the first page of Google for the search terms your customers, and potential customers, are using when they are looking for what you offer.

Driving Targeted, High Quality Traffic
Search Engine Optimisation

A Comprehensive SEO Strategy Not Only Optimises Your
Website From An On-Page Perspective, But Also From An Off-Page Perspective.
Our white hat link building strategies ensure that other authoritative websites link to your website domain on a regular basis. These links work as ‘votes’ of confidence in your business, and Google takes note – tagging your business as an reputable provider of services and improving your ranking positions for important search terms.
This puts your business in front of the eyes of thousands of customers every month, leading to substantial increases in high quality traffic that take valuable actions on your website, whether that be buying your products or submitting their contact information in the form of a lead.
SEO is a long term, on-going strategy, and should run continuously as Google will notice if links stop being built to your website – without a constant flow of these ‘votes’, your website risks getting labeled ‘no longer relevant’ and you will see ranking positions and organic traffic drop as a result.
Being a long term strategy, it usually takes 4-6 months to see substantial results, although many of our clients see their first results much faster.
Once the website has achieved high rankings in Google, if maintained, SEO will drive consistent customer traffic to your website for years and your competitors will struggle to ever catch up.